Baguales Tourism
Tourism Baguales was born from a family dream and love for mother earth, to show and transmit the benefits, beauties, customs and stories of Chilean Patagonia.
Every day, all year
Our mission as a tour operator is to transmit and teach how beautiful it is to care for and protect our attractive Patagonia.
Always focused on the ultimate goal of entertaining and educating, our experiences and expeditions are available during all seasons of the year.

Imagine traveling from Cochrane to Caleta Tortel along the water highway, navigating the Baker River, the largest river in Chile, for more than 150 km in 4 days; paddling the famous rapid González and walking to the San Carlos Court National Monument.
Perhaps your perfect place is admiring the marble chapels or a cruise through the Laguna San Rafael.
Or simply disconnect from all the noise and intensity of the city on a kayak ride, in complete harmony with nature.
Imagine what you want and we make it come true.
Book your adventure or write to us to invent yours.
Welcome to Patagonia!

A bit of beauty